How Much Can an Author Expect to Make on Their Book?
I can’t tell you how many times I googled “how much money does an author make per book” before getting a book deal, myself. It’s such a black hole. It also varies tremendously... So while I can’t give you a specific answer for how much money you will make per book, let me start with the basics.
Can Anyone Write a Book? The Short, Honest Truth.
No. Not everyone can write a book. Sorry. But can you write a book? Probably. I’d call it a really good bet—if I had money to throw at bets, I’d throw money at the likelihood that you, person reading this, can write a book.
Writing a book comes down to 3 things:
What Does a Book Writing Coach Do?
Here’s a confession: until I became one, I didn’t know what a book writing coach does.
I had even hired one by that point. But because she didn’t refer to herself that way, I didn't know that “coaching” was what she was doing.
Why You Should Avoid Feedback-based Writing Programs
When I was 18 years old, I signed up for my first college creative writing class, The Short Story. My experience turned me against feedback-based writing programs forever.
Top Strategies For Developing Creative Writing Skills
When I was 18 years old, I signed up for my first college creative writing class, The Short Story. My experience turned me against feedback-based writing programs forever.
How to Get a Literary Agent: 5 Don'ts
I have been in your shoes before, and I want to save you hours of work—and months of grief—by sharing what I wish I had known as a bright-eyed, book hungry writer trying to get a literary agent. I am sharing my top 5 Don'ts (and corresponding Do's) of how to get a literary agent.
The Writing Prompts Generator for Authors
When I became a writing coach, my students started asking for writing prompts. I couldn’t let my students down, and so I started to really investigate—what is a good writing prompt? What would be really useful? Enter: The Writing Prompts Generator for People Who Aren’t in Seventh Grade