What Does a Book Writing Coach Do?
Here’s a confession: until I became one, I didn’t know what a book writing coach does.
I had even hired one by that point. But because she didn’t refer to herself that way, I didn't know that “coaching” was what she was doing.
3 Things You Don’t Learn in Creative Writing Classes
This is possibly the most important post I’ve ever made for this series. Today, I’m going to share 3 things that you don’t learn in creative writing classes.
No one ever told me these things. No one talks about these things still, as far as I know. I had to figure them out for myself, and as far as I know I’m the only one talking about them. But they are very very important if you want to write a book and get it published. Let’s go.
What's Really the Most Important Thing for Writers to Know
If you pinned me down and asked me to share the one thing I think is most important for a writer to know…this is what I would tell you, and it’s probably not what you think. Let’s go.
From Hobby to Published Author: An Honest Look at What It Takes
Can anyone write a publishable book? No. Sorry. But can you? Maybe. Today, I’m going to share the truth about how to get past writing as just a hobby and make a career of it as a published author. We’re going to take an honest look at what it takes. Let’s go.
Opening the Writer's Desk: Writing Tips from George R.R. Martin
Hi, welcome to another installment of ‘Opening the Writer’s Desk,’ where we take a deep dive into the writing tips from today’s most widely-read authors. In today’s episode, we’re going to be taking a look at author George R.R. Martin and the techniques he’s used in his own writing.
The Importance of Good Writing Communities
I want to tell you two stories: a good story and a bad story about writing communities I’ve been in. But I’ll start with the bad story, so we can end on a high note, and you can first learn what I think you should avoid.
Then I’ll give you something hopeful. Sound good? It’s time to get to the heart of why good—and not destructive—writing communities are so important.
Can a Book Boost Your Business?
If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve probably wondered if publishing a book could boost your business. I’ve been in a number of business groups since I launched my own business a few years ago, and I’ve learned a lot from these groups and from my fellow entrepreneurs.
But there’s one trap I’ve noticed a number of entrepreneurs falling into that I think keeps them from understanding how powerful a book could be for them. Today I’m going to talk about that trap, and how writing a book can be a great marketing move. Let’s go!
Yeah, Right! 3 Common Writing Myths, Busted
There is so much writing advice out there that it can get overwhelming. Should you open your novel with the weather? Or never open it with the weather?
Should you include a dream sequence or never include a dream sequence?
Are memoirs done? Is publishing done? Ahhh!
Today, I’m going to debunk, as in bust open, the 3 most destructive writing myths that I see causing writers to suffer.
Can We Discuss This? (Getting Feedback on Your Writing)
Feedback: it's a necessary part of being a writer, but it can be paralyzing.
Earlier this month, a writer in my program confessed that she'd solicited feedback and, after receiving it, found herself unable to move forward. She said she wouldn't be asking for feedback again. Oof. I felt so bad for her.
And I totally got it. How do you get feedback on your writing without being derailed by it? Today, I want to discuss exactly that.