How Much Can an Author Expect to Make on Their Book?
I can’t tell you how many times I googled “how much money does an author make per book” before getting a book deal, myself. It’s such a black hole. It also varies tremendously... So while I can’t give you a specific answer for how much money you will make per book, let me start with the basics.
Top 10 Tips for Authors: Advice from Bestselling Writers
Today I'm sharing 10 top writing tips from bestselling authors! The truth is that what works for one writer, isn't going to work for every writer, so one way to help yourself is to explore all the different ways you can find your own success to go from amateur to best selling author yourself.
I'm going to share my favorite strategies from these best selling authors.
The 10 Best Websites for Aspiring Writers
Before I was a published author, I felt like I was always on the Internet googling things about writing. How many words should my novel be? What contests could I enter? What classes should I take? What was the best writing software? What about the best place to find an agent? My questions were endless.
There are so many sites out there offering advice and services to writers—today, I want to share with you my 7 favorite websites for writers and aspiring authors and why I love them so much. Let’s go!
The 3-Act Structure: Follow This Outline and Examples to Create Your Story
Today we’re talking about—DUNH DUNH DUNH—the 3-act structure.
I used to be very intimidated by the 3-act structure. I listened to a very intimidating audiobook called Story and it included some line about how, if I made one wrong decision, my entire story would fall apart, and I turned it off immediately.