The First Draft Club PODCAST
Psst: We don’t keep this site up-to-date anymore, but The First Draft Club is alive and well. Check out all the latest episodes on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
SEASON 5 - EP. 1: How To Write Compelling Dialogue
Does your dialogue sound like a third-grade play? You'll want to get these strategies for writing better dialogue. Here's how Mary makes sure to write the way people actually talk.
SEASON 4 - EP. 6: The Four Notebooks Method
Mary teaches you her signature method for handwriting your novel or memoir—The Four Notebooks Method—and tells you how you can pre-order her notebook and corresponding system. Check out https://www.maryadkinswriter.com/fournotebooksmethod
SEASON 4 - EP. 4: How to Write Act 3 of the 3-Act Structure (Part 4 of 4)
Mary wraps up a four-episode series on the 3-act structure with a breakdown of her favorite of the three acts, Act 3, and talks about how to find the magic of it in your own writing.
SEASON 4 - EP. 3: How to Write Act 2 of the 3-Act Structure (Part 3 of 4)
Mary talks all things Act 2—and, most importantly, gets into why Act 2 isn't a formula but a personal challenge for you, the author.
SEASON 4 - EP. 2: How to Write Act 1 of the 3-Act Structure (Part 2 of 4)
In the second of four parts on the 3-act structure, Mary dives into what we mean by Act 1 and how to break it down into a manageable tool.
Season 4 - EP. 1: My Least Annoying and Most Usable Breakdown of the 3-Act Structure (Part 1 of 4)
In the first episode of Season 4, Mary kicks off a four-episode series breaking down the 3-act structure...in a way that won't terrify you, turn you off, or make you feel like you're supposed to be writing by formula.
Season 3 - EP. 8: How to Choose a Point of View for Your Novel
Choosing a point of view is a critical early step in the novel-writing process. In this episode, Mary talks about how to choose a point of view, and what to look out for in third person.
Season 3 - EP. 7: How to Choose a Book Writing Coach
There are a lot of book writing coaches out there these days. What should you look for in one?
Season 3 - EP. 6: 4 Signs You’re Ready to Hire a Book Writing Coach
When is a good time to hire a book writing coach? Here's how to know that it's the right call.