Craft, Process, Publishing Adkins Mary Craft, Process, Publishing Adkins Mary

What Counts as Literary Fiction, and Should You Be Writing It?

What makes a novel count as “literary fiction?” Is it more impressive than commercial fiction? And what’s the difference?

Today, I’m going to give you my highly opinionated and polarizing take on this question as a novelist, reader, and human being. Stick around and read till the end if you want to either yell “amen!” at me or throw something at your computer screen. Ready?

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Craft, Process, Publishing, Best of the Blog Adkins Mary Craft, Process, Publishing, Best of the Blog Adkins Mary

The 10 Best Websites for Aspiring Writers

Before I was a published author, I felt like I was always on the Internet googling things about writing. How many words should my novel be? What contests could I enter? What classes should I take? What was the best writing software? What about the best place to find an agent? My questions were endless.

There are so many sites out there offering advice and services to writers—today, I want to share with you my 7 favorite websites for writers and aspiring authors and why I love them so much. Let’s go! 

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Process, Publishing Adkins Mary Process, Publishing Adkins Mary

First Draft to Pitch Ready: The Complete Guide to Getting Published

Today I'm going to be sharing with you the complete guide to getting published; to getting your first draft pitch ready.

You have a book idea and you're ready to write, or maybe you're even well on your way to getting it done. But how do you actually get published? Because writing is one thing and getting published is another.

In this post I'm going to share seven must knows for getting that book that you're writing or that you've written on shelves.

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Publishing Adkins Mary Publishing Adkins Mary

5 Steps to Getting a Literary Agent

Today I'm talking about five steps for getting a literary agent. So you've written your first book and you're ready to see it on shelves, but what do you do?

Well, odds are you need a literary agent and it can be kind of confusing how to get one, unless you know exactly what to do. It can also take you forever to get one, unless you do it the right way.

So in this video, I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to do to get the exact literary agent you want. Let's go.

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Publishing Adkins Mary Publishing Adkins Mary

Rejection Red Flags: 7 Signs Your Book Might Get Rejected

Today I'm sharing seven signs that your book might get rejected. Every week I speak to people who either want to write or are writing their first books. Many of them hope to see them published, but sadly not everybody gets published.

So what are the warning signs that your book might not be accepted by a publisher? And is there anything you can do to boost your chances?

In this video I want to share a couple of tips to help you avoid getting that terrible, final book rejection from a publisher. So let's go!

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